Courses RegistrationRegistration Form1Language info2Your Details3Address and Payment options4Availability5Terms of AgreementLanguage you wish to learn(Required)DutchGermanFrenchEnglishItalianSpanishStarting Level(Required)A0 (Absolute Beginner)A1 (Beginner)A2 (Elementary)B1 (Pre-Intermediate)B2 (Intermediate)C1 (Upper-Intermediate)Not sureType of Lessons(Required)Individual LessonsGroup LessonsPaid Trial LessonGroup Buddy I have a buddy I am looking for a buddyEmail(Required) Name(Required) First Last Job TitleBirthday MM slash DD slash YYYY Buddy emailBuddy NameBilling Address(Required)Billing Address (Street, Postal code, City)Phone(Required)Please include Country Code (+XX)Preferred Payment option(Required)Monthly payment3-month package offer6-month package offerIs your company paying for this? Yes No This is a nice idea! I will get back to youCompany Billing Details(Name, Address and VAT number)Buddy Billing address Same Address, we pay together Different AddressBuddy Billing AdressBilling Address (Street, Postal code, City)Your availability(Required)CommentsBy hitting submit you agree to the Terms of AgreementSome important bits are: > We provide all the educational material that you will need for the duration of the course. > Any cancellation or change of the time or the date of a lesson, needs to happen 24hrs prior to the scheduled lesson.For any questions, please contact us at Concent(Required) I have read the terms and I agree